T.C. Sweeper  - TC Sweeper T.C. Sweeper  - TC Sweeper 2

T.C. Sweeper 

Hi and welcome to T.C. Sweeper. You may wonder why I have chosen to call myself this as a singer and songwriter. Well, I will tell you.

When I was growing up, my father had his own business as a Chimney Sweeper in a small community an hour and a half from Stockholm - the capital of Sweden.

I would follow him at work and help him from an early age, during my summer holidays etc. When I finished school, I helped him more professionally for a couple of years. So, my artist name will always remind me of my childhood.

I have also been reading a story about Chimney Sweepers that affected me. The story happened in the late 18th and 19th century – Follow the link below and read about it if you want.


I have always cared about people who have been mistreated, so I think this story about these young “Chimney Sweepers” should not be forgotten.

My belief is that there is a light in every living thing and in every living human. And things which sometimes can feel like darkness in our lives are things that we can cause our self with our thoughts and feelings together with our life experience.

One of my life experiences is that music can build bridges between people’s thoughts, minds, souls, and feelings and between people and countries.

I hope my music can help some people find themselves mentally and deep in their hearts, so the light can start to shine even in the darkest corner.

If things seem so dark you want to give up:
“Try to sweep all the darkness away and keep on fighting!”

Welcome to my music site

Best regards,

T.C. Sweeper

All rights: “I Care Production" © 2020

“Any use of content without permission, will be forwarded to the Swedish Musicians Union for legal action”

For information about the material, please contact “I Care Production”

Take a look at your mountain from a distance…

Let your feelings flow away…

Climb the mountain and leave your bag of troubles there…

Feel your feelings grow…

When you are ready just go with the flow…

You never know what you will find beyond the next bend...


Below you will find links to different music styles, language, stories that have turned up to be the ground for some songs and even links to friends or other things that I might find interesting. I will update these links as soon as I have anything new to release, but all comes in order...



I was born in Sweden back in the late 1950's. I was the only boy in our family, and I had three sisters. My school time was sometimes up and sometimes down but I finished school with an ok grade. Most of my adult life I have been working as a paramedic in Sweden...



I don’t strive to be an artist on my own. I am looking for contacts with record companies, music producers or other “Singer / Songwriters” for cooperation...